Aptoide is similar to the Google Play Store offering digital content where you can browse and download the apps. It is like a marketplace app where all the content is available, you do not need to Google search every time to download the apk file of the app. It presently offers over 800 thousand apps. Aptoide is not available in Play Store because it offends Google’s policy of “No competition clause”. Android is the most powerful Operating System driving more than 95% of Smartphones. And the best thing about the OS is the Google Play Store. The Play Store hosts millions of useful Apps which you can download and install directly on your Smartphone to make your life easy. Also, there are millions of independent and free source Apps which you can install on your device without the Play Store. Google is very strict when it comes to Policies or Terms & Services. You have to adhere to its rules for your App to be accepted by Google. Many useful Apps do not make to Google Play either due to Play Store Policy Violation or App Content Violation. Aptoide is one such useful application. Prerequisites: You need to enable ‘Unknown Sources’ on your Android phone in order to install this App on your device. Settings → Security → Unknown Sources and Enable the Unkown Sources.

What is Aptoide App Store?

Aptoide App Store is community managed App store which lets you download apps directly on your Android mobile, Some of the features offered by Aptoide store will make you love it instantly. The App offers all the apps which are scanned for virus or malware. The concept is inspired by the APT packaging manager, which can work with multiple sources (repositories). When the user wants a package, they can use the client to search for sources where the application is stored. You can create your own market store in the Aptoide App Store and publish the Apps. The Aptoide is one of the most popular alternative App Store for Android.

Features of Aptoide

Get all paid apps for free.Also, get free apps for free.You can also download the apps which are not available for your country.No need to register an account as you do for Play Store (If you wish you can)Inbuilt malware and virus scannerGet Mod Versions of the AppsGet hacked versions of games and hack tools for gamesYou can get updated apps even before it is released for your country.Download the apk file with pause and resume the download anytime you wish, a reboot also will not wipe the downloaded data when paused.You can create your own marketplace and manage your own App store.The interface of Aptoide is quite easy, and user-friendly.

Size – 18MB Support – 4.1+ Link Type – Direct Download

Is the Aptoide Safe to Download?

The files have been scanned using various anti-virus Apps like Norton, Avast and Kaspersky. They have also been tested for any vulnerability on various devices tweaking the App permissions. And from our test, we can say that the App is Safe to Download.

What if the App is not Working?

If you face any issues with the App than I suggest you to grant all the permissions to the App.If the app is not working or causing some issues then I recommend you to Clear Data & Cache of the app to fix it.To reduce the load time you can connect to Google Open DNS. To change the DNS, you can download the DNS Changer app from Google Play Store.

Aptoide TV for Android TV and Firestick

Aptoide is one of the best 3rd party App stores for devices running on Android OS. If you wish to sideload 3rd party apps on your TV then Aptoide store can make your work very much easy. The features offered by Aptoide are quite unique and you won’t find in any other conventional App store.

Note – While browsing any app you may get a message that app isn’t available “SEARCH ON WEB”. Search the web using a good browser and download the app. I hope you liked the Aptoide app. Do comment below for any help. Conclusion: With the Aptoide store you can get all the Apps on your Android OS without any issues. I hope the post was helpful. Do comment below for any assistance or support. Also, let me know if any of the download links are not working so I can update it ASAP. If you’ve any thoughts on Aptoide APK Download for Android | Paid Apps Free, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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